Thursday, March 3, 2011

Good Summary of Markingson Case at U-Minn

I've commented several times previously on the Markingson case, most recently at Dr. Carl Elliott, the U-Minn bioethicist who's done the most to publicize this case and keep the heat on the University, offers a recent blog post--
--on the Hastings Center's bioethics blog. The focus of this latest post is to rebut the University's claims that there's nothing more to investigate about the case since the FDA already looked into it and gave the U. a clean bill. Dr. Elliott analyzes the FDA "investigation" and details its shortcomings. However, I'd recommend this post primarily as a very concise review of the facts of the case for anyone looking for same. There are so many inconsistencies remaining that U-Minn still has a lot to answer for.

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