Friday, November 18, 2011

Will Brown University Investigate Keller?

We've previously on this blog discussed the case of Dr. Martin Keller at Brown University and his study of Paxil (paroxetine) in children:

Now, thanks to our esteemed colleague Dr. Roy Poses from Health Care Renewal blog, we're provided with this article from the Brown newspaper in which he's quoted:

Seems that our other esteemed colleagues at Healthy Skepticism have been after Brown to get the University's help to withdraw the Study 329 claiming that Paxil was safe and effective in children. They argue that the article continues to be cited and can be implicated in suicides in children prescribed Paxil. Brown basically has gone into hiding and has not responded to these overtures.

Thanks to the exposes noted in previous posts on this blog, we know that Dr. Keller received huge sums of money from Pharma; that Study 329 was originally by scientific standards a negative study of Paxil in kids and was spun to make it sound like a positive study when it was published; and that the published version was essentially ghostwritten by a company hack. At least that's what's now on the public record (Dr. Keller routinely refuses to comment), and if Brown knows a different version, it's about time they let us hear it.

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