Saturday, November 19, 2011

GSK To Set Record with $3B Settlement, and More on Avandia

I usually use a standard form to report the latest drug firm settling with the Feds for wrongdoing, without admitting any wrongdoing, as in:

The most recent report, however, won't fit my standard form for a couple of reasons. First, GlaxoSmithKline has apparently not yet actually settled, there are just rumors of a settlement. Second, they are settling three different actions on three different drugs, according to the reports. But in any event, if the rumors are correct then GSK will set a new record by settling for $3B, almost twice as much as the previous high, as Dr. Roy Poses reports over at Health Care Renewal:

The issues that got GSK into this much trouble are: alleged improper marketing of 9 of its best-selling drugs, including Avandia, Wellbutrin, and Advair; cheating under the Medicaid rebate program; and alleged improper promotion of Avandia for diabetes.

The settlement is tentative and reportedly would be concluded in 2012, so one might wonder why it is being announced now. The speculation Dr. Poses passes along is that GSK's UK CEO, Andrew Witty, is being pushed for a knighthood, and so the company wished to clear the decks and not have embarrassing news coming out later when it could interfere with Mr. Witty becoming Sir Andrew.

Along the way Dr. Poses cites a nice review by Deborah Cohen in the British Medical Journal (BSJ) on the ins and outs of the entire Avandia debacle:

Ms. Cohen's piece reviews the skimpy evidence presented to both the FDA and the European drug review agency that Avandia was safe and effective, even at the time it was first approved and before later evidence emerged on the extent of the heart disease risk that it posed. The reasons why it made it through approval on such a slim basis? Clearly smart drug company promotion and lobbying played a role. But at least a part of the problem was the diabetes-endocrinology community. The glitazone drugs represent a new pharmacological approach to diabetes treatment, unlike any existing class of drugs. They promise not to replace what insulin does, but rather to treat the insulin resistance of other body tissues that is a big part of type II diabetes. The first glitazone, troglitazone (Rezulin) had to be withdrawn when patients started dying of liver failure--though its maker, Warner-Lambert, lobbied like heck within the FDA to keep its drug on the market, as I recounted at length in HOOKED. So having another glitazone as an alternative was a big priority for endocrinologists. Apparently it was such a big priority that these smart specialists forgot to ask if there was any evidence that Avandia actually improved the long-term outlook of people with diabetes, instead of just making their numbers look better right now, and especially whether it actually prevented the heart and vessel disease which is the primary serious complication of Type II diabetes.

And here we return to another theme I harp on--why many within the FDA say they must ignore conflicts of interest because if they excluded all "experts" with COI from their scientific advisory committees, there would be none left to serve. My reply to this has often been that it depends on who you call an "expert," and why more of my own colleagues in primary care fields are not asked to serve on an FDA committee. I think here you have a case in point. Who is more likely to get all misty-eyed over the fact that Avandia works by a novel pharmacological pathway? An endocrinologist. Who is more likely to be skeptical and demand proof that it really helps patients? A primary care physician. I rest my case.

ADDENDUM 11/21/11: I erred above in saying that the GSK settlement was nearly twice the previous high settlement. I had thought that the most recent Pfizer settlement was in the middle $1B range, but according to the Bloomberg News coverage of another recent settlement, Abbott Labs (see post just above), Pfizer settled its charges over the marketing of the painkiller Bextra for $2.3B in 2009.

1 comment:

  1. One important issue that is ignored by the FDA (and just about everyone else) is the fact that many experts have become experts largely because of conflict of interest – because they have willingly accepted pharma money to run biased trials that only get published if the results are favourable, and even then are likely to be seriously spun by ghost-writers. So they have brought lots of money into their departments, had lots of papers published, been paid to do lots of conference presentations, got tenure, been promoted, received recognition as experts.
