Monday, February 5, 2007

Welcome to the HOOKED blog

Welcome! I am creating this blog to accompany the recent publication of my book, Hooked: Ethics, the Medical Profession, and the Pharmaceutical Industry (Rowman and Littlefield, January 2007--see links). My major goal with this blog is to allow updates on the book's contents. The topic--the relationship between medicine and the pharmaceutical industry--is hot right now, and practically every day, new developments occur and new information is published. I wanted to have a platform to inform interested readers of those developments that seem to me especially pertinent or important, and that might modify some statement or fact given in the book.

I finished work on the book's manuscript in July 2006 (more or less). There is therefore a backlog of material that has been accumulating since then, that ideally would be made available to the book's readers to provide updates on important matters. In the course of the next several weeks I hope to attack that backlog and post those items to the blog. (As you can tell, I am not much of a blogger, else I'd have had the foresight to create the blog right off and keep up with that material .)

A blog also allows comments to be posted from readers and others, and I look forward to those opportunities to hear from you as well!

Thanks for visiting.

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